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I am Philip B. Brown, developer of the New Wine System of interpreting Scripture. The application of Old Testament Jewish eschatology to the New Testament Church solves seven major problems of Scripture that have divided the churches over the centuries. The New Wine System.
I grew up in a conservative Christian family. We attended a Southern Baptist church. I professed my faith in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior as a young boy. Today, I continue to profess my faith in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. And today I maintain the conservative Christian values that my parents taught. I interpret Scripture literally. And I believe Jesus Christ is the only name under heaven by which a person can be saved and inherit eternal life. Over the course of my life I've attended various Southern Baptist and non-denominational churches.
I grew up with an interest in Bible prophecy. I had read all the popular books about the end times, such as The Late Great Planet Earth. But one day, around 1987, I realized that after reading all these book I had no idea where in the Bible all this stuff about Bible prophecy was located. So I decided to put all the books down, and I started to read the Bible with a purpose of understanding Bible prophecy. In other words, I had previously read parts of the Bible simply because I was Christian. It was out of a sense of duty as a Christian that I read the Bible when I did. I had not read the Bible in the pursuit of really learning about something that I was interested in. My new desire to study eschatology from the Bible alone got me hooked. I really started to enjoy learning the Bible. It became my passion.
Then, as the Internet began to emerge, I began to debate eschatology. I spent countless hours every day debating on email groups. My passion grew to the point of being every day. Eschatology is the one area of theology where it seems to be OK to disagree. Everyone has his own slight variation within every major camp of interpretation. I would spend countless hours studying Scripture in order to find arguments for my views, which would change over time. And you had to really understand your opponents view in order to do any reasonable job of debating. You have to do a lot of research as well as Bible study. And the Internet became a great tool for doing research. I think you can a learn whole lot more by debate than by sitting in a classroom. It's the difference between hearing and doing. It's the difference between teaching and being a student. Debating is like teaching. The teacher learns a lot more than the student. And unlike the classroom, it never ends.
Over time, I started to realize that every topic of the Bible affects every other topic. I would see this as debate discussions would naturally move well outside of what is traditionally considered "eschatology." So by learning to debate eschatology, over time, I learned to think outside the box about all topics of the Bible. But I've always maintained a convection that Scripture must be interpreted as literally as is reasonable. I use the historical-grammatical system of hermeneutics.
The historical-grammatical system of hermeneutics is a "literal" system of interpretation. It seeks to determine the original author's meaning and intended message. How would his audience, at that time, have understood what was written? What cultural circumstances would have affected the meaning of the words at that time? In order to understand Scripture in this way, one must purposefully ignore any Scripture that was written after the time in which a specific author and his audience lived. Then, later Scripture is interpreted in the context of earlier Scripture. Earlier Scripture is considered to be the Bible for the authors and audience of later Scripture. This is called progressive revelation.
The dispensationalists claim to use this system of hermeneutics. But dispensationalism has some very key points which would violate these rules. Specifically, they have hermeneutical problems with regard to the Church, which is kept separate from Israel by the dispensationalists. But with the New Wine System, Gentile believers are grafted into Israel. So all the Old Testament prophecy about Israel is literally fulfilled in both Jewish and Gentile believers, because we are all a part of Israel. As far as I can tell, the New Wine System is the only system that uncompromisingly adheres to the historical-grammatical system of hermeneutics. This system of hermeneutics also requires that we stick to the grammatical meaning of the text. We don't read between the lines. We don't use figurative, spiritual, or allegorical methods to effectively change the meaning of the text.
Let me know if you have any questions,
Philip B. Brown